gulf coast climate change

While the Gulf Coast has no shortage of reasons why it is a fantastic place to call home, it is a reality that its vulnerability for volatile weather patterns persists. As climate change continues to rear its ugly head, this vulnerability is only bound to escalate, leaving countless cities from Galveston to Miami in its […]

property sale

If you have ever attempted to sell an item on sites like Craigslist or Depop, you know that buyers tend to have their own opinions on the validity of prices. What is poorly understood is that value, in theory, is not subjective at all. In fact, there is a method to the madness that intersects with larger […]

emergency exit fire building

Despite heeding warnings of old wives’ tales of burning down an entire town with a cigarette butt or casually combusting from poor taste in pajamas, you are still standing amid a possibly self-inflicted house fire. Maybe you didn’t allow enough space between your bed and a faulty power outlet because you need to keep your […]

scope disputes how to keep your appraisal moving

While the extent of your homeowners coverage can dominate the way you view your insurance claim, the extent of damage can be just as relevant. When it comes to determining the scope of loss, the nature of the damage and the pragmatic tools needed to fix it are considered. In other words, it’s been accepted […]

home planning

Whenever a matter involves two parties and a lot of money, disputes are inevitable. When it comes to insurance claims, appraisals are used to objectively determine how much it would cost to replace damaged items or to restore damaged homes. As the insured, this may be a route you wish to take, or it may […]

earth night orbit city lights

Wind is a duplicitous enemy in that it brews in both dry, dusty, tornado-breeding climates, as well as damp, balmy hurricane zones. As a result, whether you live in the Gulf Coast, East Coast, or Kansas, it is wise to brush up on wind damage protocol. While your first instinct at the dissipation of growling […]

person filling real estate appraisal

It may sound like a bad thing if a key player in your insurance claim is disinterested. Understandably, you may be a bit disinterested in the process yourself. However, disinterested is right where you want your appraiser to be. Appraisal can be an important part of the claims process if you and an attorney are […]

folder close on word claims

Because insurance isn’t complicated enough already, when it comes to adjusters, there are a number of kinds operating under a number of ambiguous labels. Much like the language of the policies themselves, adjusters’ titles can be misleading. First and foremost, there is the traditional insurance adjuster. These folks are fixtures of a single insurance company, […]

property damage

The scope of property casualty claims truly runs the gambit. From contents claims after a burglary to hopes for policy limits after a devastating fire, homeowners and flood insurance policies address issues big and small. One big kind of claim that often goes unnoticed involves damage to the foundation and structure of your home. While […]


Who is at risk of becoming a flood victim? Chances are, the answer is not necessarily mapped out by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. FEMA created designated maps that are supposed to indicate which homes are at risk of being subjected to flooding, and to what degree. These maps, in theory, are based off a […]