cleaning supplies

If a hurricane has hit your home or property, you may be at a loss regarding what to do next and how best to proceed. While the process can be daunting, having the right supplies on hand can help you tackle it with purpose and increased confidence.

If this is the difficult situation you find yourself in, don’t delay consulting with an experienced New Orleans homeowners insurance claims attorney.

Hurricane Clean-Up Supplies

After a hurricane, you can expect considerable debris as well as wind- and rain-damaged property, and having the necessary clean-up supplies on hand can help you dive right in and get the job done. Your hurricane clean-up list should include the following:

  • Buckets, sponges and scouring pads, scrub brushes, and towels
  • Particulate filtering face masks to protect your lungs
  • Flashlights and backup batteries
  • Heavy-duty work gloves that are chemical resistant
  • Bleach, liquid disinfectant hand soap, and other household cleaners
  • Large garbage bags for corralling debris
  • Large trash cans
  • A clothesline with clothespins

Keeping a well-stocked clean-up kit on hand leaves you well-prepared to effectively and efficiently address the issue of clean-up after a hurricane.

Before You Get Started

Before you throw yourself into the clean-up process, it’s important to keep all of the following points in mind:

  • Don’t head in to assess the damage until the authorities have given the all-clear.
  • Have your well-stocked clean-up kit with you upon your return.
  • Make safety your top priority by ensuring that your phone is well charged and that you have a means of recharging it, ample light sources – such as flashlights and battery-powered lanterns – and ample drinking water on hand.
  • Check for signs of structural damage before entering your home, and if you see any, hold off until you’ve consulted with a professional. Prime examples include any indication of downed power lines, gas line leaks, and heavy fallen tree limbs on your home’s roof.
  • Document the damage to your property with photos and videos in support of your homeowners insurance claim.

Reach Out to an Experienced New Orleans Homeowners Insurance Claims Attorney Today

If your home’s been damaged in a hurricane, the capable New Orleans homeowners insurance claims attorneys at Insurance Claim HQ are committed to employing the full force of their experience to pursue your claim’s best possible resolution. Learn more by contacting us today.

Homeowners Insurance FAQs

While clean-up after a hurricane is critical, it’s also important to document every loss you experience with pictures and videos. Before you begin bagging debris, photograph the damage.

If you’re unsure about how safe your home is to enter, erring on the side of caution is always the best policy.

Having a dedicated homeowners insurance claims attorney in your corner helps to ensure that you’ll receive fair compensation for the full range of property damage you experience.

At Insurance Claim HQ, we are dedicated to fighting for the rights of policyholders when they experience a loss due to fire, flood, hurricane, theft, or insurance companies not keeping their word. Our attorneys have decades of experience negotiating property casualty insurance claims to maximize recovery.