hurricane evacuation

During a hurricane warning in Louisiana, you should be prepared, especially if you live in a targeted zone and can be required to evacuate. Depending on what type of evacuation orders are given during the storm, you may be planning to evacuate, getting your family and pets to safety until the storm passes. You must know the difference between evacuation orders and how to build a proper evacuation kit in case you need to leave.

Voluntary Evacuation Orders

If a voluntary evacuation order goes into effect, you are not required as a resident to leave, but it is recommended. There is a potential for danger in your area, and should you want to evacuate, there is a path designated for you to take so that you can leave the affected area. If you decide to leave or stay, you are not subjected to any consequences based on your decision.

Mandatory Evacuation Orders

If your area has been placed under a mandatory evacuation order, you could face safety consequences at that time. An evacuation is put into place because conditions will be too hazardous for even safety personnel to get out in the weather and assist you if you are in danger. Mandatory evacuation orders are put in place by local government officials who work around the clock to ensure you have a path out of danger before the storm begins.

Tips For Your Evacuation Kit

Have a Bag Prepped and Ready

Living on the Gulf Coast means that your home is prone to hurricanes, and having a bag ready to grab between August and November can help you get out of your home quickly. This bag should have enough supplies for your family to get you through a couple of days until you can reach an area inland that is safe from the storm.

Pack Identification and Documentation

All the necessary documents you cannot afford to be destroyed in a storm should be packed in this go-back so that you are not looking for it last-minute. These can be documents regarding certain accounts and identification documents that are hard to reproduce. You should also have all identification for your family members in case you need it when returning to the area to prove you are a resident.

Pack Cash and Emergency Credit Cards

Because you may not know how long you will be away from your home during the evacuation, it is a good idea to pack cash in your go bag and even an emergency credit card you may have. This can help cover those unexpected expenses when traveling and when you return. Cash is ideal for places that may be out of power and only taking this type of payment in the interim.

Contact Us Today

When the time comes, and you return home to damage from a Louisiana Hurricane, contact our team of homeowners insurance claims attorneys at Insurance Claim HQ to assist you during this time.

FAQs For Hurricane Evacuation

Below are some of the most common FAQs associated with hurricane evacuation in Louisiana.

In most cases, a category three or higher hurricane will implement a mandatory evacuation for the residents of New Orleans and other coastal cities. However, smaller-category storms can also require a mandatory evacuation depending on their size and how much rainfall is anticipated in the area during the storm.

While there is an estimation of how far the storm will travel once it makes it inland and its direction, a good rule of thumb is to ensure you drive at least 50 miles inland. For more severe storms, traveling up to 100 miles can help you escape a hurricane’s worst wind and rain conditions.

Depending on how much damage was done to the area and the amount of flooding your neighborhood may have experienced during the storm, it may be a few days before you can get back to your property and assess the damage. Have a kit that lasts at least five days after the storm ends, and you can return to your home.

At Insurance Claim HQ, we are dedicated to fighting for the rights of policyholders when they experience a loss due to fire, flood, hurricane, theft, or insurance companies not keeping their word. Our attorneys have decades of experience negotiating property casualty insurance claims to maximize recovery.