Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Foundation Problems?

Posted on March 10, 2023


Hayden Haskins | author

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ICHQ | Site Author

Any damage to the home’s foundation needs immediate action. But your home insurer has exclusions that may affect whether these problems are covered. For instance, a policy may only address foundation issues caused by fire, vandalism, and water.

Familiarizing yourself with foundation damage warning signs and what caused them is essential. If you need clarification about a homeowners insurance claim, contact the experienced insurance claim lawyers at Insurance Claim HQ.

What Are the Warning Signs of Foundation Damage?

The following signs show your home needs urgent foundation repair:

  • Cracks in walls, ceilings, and windows
  • Water intrusion
  • Doors misalignment
  • Sunken steps
  • Sagging floors

Spotting these signs does not equate to automatic insurance coverage. Your company will only cover the repair costs if an event they accept was the cause of the problem. Study your paperwork to find out what events your insurer accepts or rejects.

What are the Common Causes of Foundation Damage?

Knowing what can cause foundation problems will help you prevent them. Sometimes, it is hard to determine the primary cause of the problem. We recommend you contact a foundation expert to check the causes and extent of the damage.

Some issues that create problems for your home’s foundation include:

  • Soil misuse
  • Faulty construction
  • Earth movement
  • Poor drainage
  • Tree root growth
  • Plumbing leaks
  • Natural disasters
  • Temperature changes

Does Home Insurance Cover Foundation Repairs?

Home insurance only pays for the repairs after they determine the cause. Foundation issues covered by insurance are those from:

  • Fire
  • Lightning
  • Vandalism
  • Falling object
  • A vehicle driving into your home
  • Explosion
  • Windstorms
  • Water damage from HVAC overflow or plumbing system

If your foundation or slab weakens for the above reasons, your property insurer should bear the repair costs. Even so, read your policy to discover what aspects they cover.

What Foundation Issues are Not Covered by Insurance?

Many standard home insurers exclude foundation damages that occurred due to:

  • Tree root damage
  • Faulty building construction
  • Flood damage
  • Earthquakes
  • Uneven soil
  • Underground collapse
  • Structural defects

Blaming any of the above for your foundation problem might lead to an unsuccessful home insurance claim.

Foundation issues under the slab and damage due to negligence, soil compaction, and erosion are not covered. Home insurance does not cover cracks because they fall under general wear and tear.

When to Contact Your Home Insurance Company

Once you spot any of the signs of foundation problems mentioned above, hire a foundation specialist to assess the damage. After that, approach your insurer with the evidence from the contractor.

Do You Need an Experienced Homeowners Insurance Claim Attorney?

If you need help receiving your compensation, we will guide you through the legal process. Our experienced attorneys will help you resolve claim challenges. Contact us at Insurance Claim HQ today to learn more.