insurance attorney

You have been paying your homeowners insurance premiums on time, knowing you’ll get compensation when a natural disaster strikes. However, you realize your homeowners insurance company is denying you your compensation. It can be devastating, especially when you are in dire need of that cash.

When your home insurance company has wrongfully denied your claim, you’ll need to seek your deserved compensation. It will be tough to go through it alone. Bad faith insurance claims are not only time-consuming but complex as well.

When you become a victim of bad faith insurance claims, you must know how to navigate your state’s insurance bad faith statutes, legal best practices, and negotiations with claims adjusters. You should contact a bad faith insurance lawyer if your claim has been wrongfully denied.

How to Hire a Bad Faith Insurance Lawyer

You need a qualified bad faith insurance attorney to represent you. Here are a few tips that will help you make the right choice of an attorney to hire.

Questions to ask a bad faith insurance lawyer

You should never shy away from discussing your case with your prospective attorney. Having a list of questions to ask the bad faith insurance lawyer is a great way to find the right fit for your case.

You can ask the attorney the following questions during your free consultation.

  • How many bad faith insurance cases have you settled?
  • Have you litigated the cases before a jury or a judge?
  • What results have you obtained from the prior cases?
  • How will you build and prepare for my case?
  • What fee do you charge for bad faith insurance claims?
  • Can you provide the strengths and weaknesses of my case?
  • Will I have to go to court?

You can gauge if the attorney is a good fit during the case review, depending on how they respond to your questions. The right lawyer will provide in-depth answers to all your questions and be honest concerning your case.


Experience matters a lot when choosing an attorney for bad faith insurance claims. Your chosen attorney should have the education, knowledge, and experience on the subject matter to build a strong case.

Since most insurance companies deny bad faith, the case usually ends up in court. You should, therefore, look for an attorney with trial experience.

What are reasonable fees for hiring an attorney?

Finally, you should find out the fees the attorney charges for bad faith insurance. Choose an attorney who offers their services on a contingency fee basis—you won’t pay any fee upfront when you lose the case. The attorney covers the upfront costs of the case, such as litigation expenses, filing fees, and discovery.

Hire a Homeowners Insurance Bad Faith Attorney

If you have been denied your homeowners insurance claim in bad faith, Insurance Claim HQ can help. Our team of experienced lawyers will help you through the process to ensure you get your deserved compensation. Get in touch with us today to schedule your free consultation.

Bad Faith Insurance FAQs

What damages can I recover from a bad faith insurance claim?

You can recover various damages from the homeowners insurance company, including the exterior and the property inside your home.

How do I file the bad faith insurance claim?

The laws differ from state to state. Your lawyer will advise how the case should be filed in a state court.

At Insurance Claim HQ, we are dedicated to fighting for the rights of policyholders when they experience a loss due to fire, flood, hurricane, theft, or insurance companies not keeping their word. Our attorneys have decades of experience negotiating property casualty insurance claims to maximize recovery.