Two years after the extremely destructive Hurricane Ida hit Louisiana, memories of the brutal storm continue to weigh heavy on New Orleans residents.
We’ve entered the 2023 hurricane season. This year, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts a 40% chance of near-normal Atlantic hurricane season, with El Niño and above-average Atlantic Ocean temperatures expected to influence this year’s hurricane activity.
Although you may not completely avoid the devastating effects of hurricanes, at your home, you can avoid being hit hard by knowing how to prepare for hurricane season.
At Insurance Claim HQ, we’ve helped hurricane victims in New Orleans and the surrounding areas recover from disaster aftermaths. Contact our homeowners insurance claim attorneys for property casualty claims after a hurricane.
When Does the Hurricane Season in Louisiana Begin?
According to the NOAA, hurricane season goes from June 1 to November 30 since over 97% of all Atlantic hurricane activities and tropical storms occur within that window. The 2023 hurricane is predicted to have a 40% chance of near-normal season and a 30% chance of above-normal season. Scientists from the NOAA also expect 12 named storms to hit the Gulf Coast this year.
But as we experienced with Hurricane Ian in 2022, it only takes one storm to cause widespread damage and devastation and upend lives. Therefore, regardless of the number of named storms predicted this year, homeowners must understand the risks, heed warnings from state and local authorities, and prepare adequately for the hurricane season.
Our attorneys in Louisiana have created a list of valuable, practical tips for hurricane preparedness based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines.
Hurricane Preparedness Emergency Supplies: What Every Home Should Have
Every family has unique needs; a young family with one or two children has different needs from a family with an elderly individual or a retired couple. However, having easy access to the following emergency supplies offers convenience and safety when disaster strikes.
- At least seven days of clean drinking water
- Pharmacy-issued prescriptions and medications
- Flashlights, batteries, and matches
- Cash, because ATMs could be out of order
- A complete first-aid kit
- Important documents, such as driver’s licenses, birth certificates, passports, and social security cards stored in a waterproof container
- Essential items for the most vulnerable people (elderly, infants, or infirm family members)
- Full gas tanks in all your vehicles
- An emergency NOAA radio
- Home disinfectants, such as disinfectant spray, and alcohol wipes, among others
Preventative Measures to Shore Up Your Home for Hurricane Season
It’s essential that you take every necessary step to protect your home so that you have one to return to after the storm.
The following preventative measures will help you shore up your home before hurricanes and tropical storms cause havoc.
Remove items that can damage your home from the outside
Hurricanes cause high-speed winds that send heavy objects flying. Therefore, remove as many items that can damage your house from the outside as possible. If your property features landscaping hardscapes (such as rocks, stones, and gravel), you should switch to less destructive materials, such as shredded bark.
Additionally, examine the position of your trees and remove any that are close enough to fall on your home. Even so, distant trees are a potential hazard, and you should inspect them for large branches that can potentially detach during a storm.
Protect your home for storms’ strength
An effective way of shielding your home from a strong storm is by installing storm shutters on the windows to prevent damage and breakage. Alternatively, you can use sheets of plywood for the same purpose. Ensure you seal the windows and any other vents or apertures on your home’s exterior.
Completely cover water outlets, vents, electrical outlets, and any other opening in your home’s interior.
Additional Steps to Take for Hurricane Preparation
After taking preventative measures to protect your home’s structural integrity, you should also take additional steps to ensure you’re well-prepared for the hurricane season.
These steps include:
- Removing, repairing, and replacing damaged items or potential debris
- Securing loose items around the house, including vehicles, furniture, and others
- Purchasing sandbags and other stuff, you need to protect your home against weather damage
Prepare for Loss
While it may sound scary, preparing for loss helps ensure you get adequate compensation after filing a hurricane damage claim. In this context, preparing for loss means documenting all your valuables to have a record that can support your insurance claim.
After taking the inventory, record a video capturing the details of every part of your home. If possible, gather the receipts for recent purchases, such as appliances, furniture, and other electronics. By doing these things, you’ll have proof and evidence to bolster your insurance claim.
Review Your Hurricane Insurance Coverage
Check your homeowners insurance policy to be sure that the coverage you pay for provides proper protection against potential damage. Carefully read your insurance policy’s fine print, checking what is covered and what is not, so you prepare accordingly.
If your insurer is causing problems because of their bad faith practices, partner with a homeowners insurance claim attorney as soon as possible.
We are seasoned in litigating insurance claims involving hurricane damage, and we understand the ill practices that insurance companies resort to in attempts to safeguard their financial interests at your expense.
Partner with Insurance Claim HQ and Protect Your Homeowners Insurance Rights
At Insurance Claim HQ, we understand the devastation and financial losses that come after hurricane damage. We know the stress and emotions that homeowners experience and we are committed to alleviating the hassle and frustration of dealing with uncooperative insurance companies. We’ve helped over 70,000 clients solve their insurance issues, and we are here for you too. Call us today or message us online to schedule a free case evaluation with one of our professional hurricane claim attorneys.