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Straight line wind damage can be devastating. In most cases, your homeowners insurance will cover damage from straight line winds just as it would any other wind damage, but you must be prepared to document and be diligent to get the money you deserve.
Your insurance company likely won’t make it easy, but Insurance Claim HQ has compiled information and tips to help you prepare.
Straight Line Winds vs. Tornadoes
While tornadoes rotate violently and travel at speeds that can completely level structures and decimate entire towns, straight line winds can also cause severe damage to your home and structures.
Straight line winds may be at the leading edge of large storm systems or localized as downdrafts from powerful thunderstorms. With straight line wind storms, the damage you will likely see will be caused by downed trees or flying debris.
What Should You Do First After a Straight Line Wind Storm?
Assess damage
You will need to walk around your property and inspect the damage carefully. Creating an inventory and documenting each item will help you throughout the claims process. Don’t assume your memory will hold following these stressful events; document as thoroughly as possible.
Take pictures
Take pictures of everything! No detail is too small. As days pass, the scene of your wind damage may change, so take these pictures as soon as you can safely do so following the storm.
Contact your insurance company
Get in touch with your insurance company to start the claim process and understand what will be expected of you and what you can expect from them in the coming days and weeks.
Secure your home and property
Be sure to secure your home and property from any further damage. Keep receipts for tarps, lumber, ropes, and any clean-up supplies you require to cover roofs, mend fences, and board up broken windows.
Your insurance company will likely deny any subsequent claims of damage that result from improperly securing your property.
Why Would Your Wind Damage Claim Be Denied?
Insurance companies are working for profit and will likely be looking for ways to downgrade or deny your claim. Here are a few general reasons your claim for straight line wind damage may be denied:
Lack of evidence
This is where your notes and photos will be critical. You need to clearly show that the damage you claim resulted from a wind event.
Finding you at fault
Your insurance company will look for ways to place you at fault. Anything from failing to maintain your roof or siding to leaving large objects unsecured in your yard could open the door to issues with your claim.
Failing to meet claim deadlines
Don’t let the drawn-out process wear you down. Be timely with all claims paperwork and ensure all information is complete and accurate.
The best way to avoid any hassle with your insurance company is to avoid having to go to them with a claim in the first place. You can do a couple of key things to prepare your home for straight line wind storms and avoid potential damage.
- If you have trees near your home that could potentially damage your roof or other structures, you need to evaluate the costs and benefits of removal.
- Be sure to maintain and regularly inspect the condition of your roof and siding. Loose shingles or siding could easily be damaged further in a straight line wind storm. Also, any problems with maintenance or condition create a technicality your insurance company could seize on to deny a wind damage claim.
- You should have somewhere to store or anchor large items that could become projectiles during a storm. This will protect you and your loved ones, your home, and your exterior structures from damage. It will also keep your insurance company from having the upper hand if they can show you didn’t take the necessary steps to protect your structures in the case of a wind storm.
Insurance Claim HQ Can Help With Straight Line Wind Damage Claims
If you are getting the runaround about wind damage claims, contact us. At Insurance Claims HQ, we have a team of attorneys ready to help. We know it isn’t easy to work with insurance companies, but we have experience on our side and will help you get what you deserve!
FAQs About Wind Damage
Will my insurance cover wind damage to my garage roof?
Every policy is different, but generally, if you have coverage for “other structures,” your garage would be covered as well as any outbuildings, fences, etc. Coverage levels vary, and you will need to understand your policy clearly if you have significant structures other than your dwelling
What parts of my home are most vulnerable to straight line wind damage?
Your roof, siding, windows, and fences are typically the most commonly damaged items in a straight line wind storm.
What do I do if I don’t agree with the claim amount?
You have the right to file supplemental claims. Depending on your policy, the ability to file additional claims may be limited to a specific amount of time following the initial damage.