You’ve weathered the storm. The dangerous part is over, but the long road to recovery is just beginning. Many homeowners aren’t aware of what to do after a storm. This guide will help you navigate what steps you need to take now to help you recover as quickly as possible.


The first and most important step is to ensure your safety and those who live in your household. If somebody is injured, it’s vital to seek care as soon as possible.

Document Damage

Once you’ve ensured everybody’s safety, your next step should be to document any damage to your property. You should only proceed with this step if you can do it safely. If you’re able to, take lots of photos and video of any damage you see around your property.

Make sure to document damage to your contents. In addition to lots of photos and video, write down what contents is damaged. Download and print our Contents Document here.

File an Insurance Claim

File an insurance claim as quickly as you can after damage has occurred. You have a limited window to file a claim, and the sooner you file, the stronger your chances of being paid properly on your claim. You should file a claim even when you don’t know the full extent of your damage or the value of your claim. Again, time is of the essence.

It’s best practice whenever communicating with your insurance company to both call and email them. Make sure you document all communications with your insurer.

Mitigate Damage

Most, if not all, insurance policies actually require you to mitigate damages to prevent them becoming worse. This can include things like tarping your roof or boarding a broken window. Make sure your insurance adjuster is aware of any mitigation efforts beforehand.

Hire a Claims Professional

Your insurance company will not act in your best interest when it comes to paying out a claim. When it comes to protecting your biggest asset, your home, hire an experienced, independent claims professional such as a public insurance adjuster or property casualty attorney. They will properly assess any damages and fight to get you what you’re rightfully owed on your claim.

Related video:

Not sure if you have hurricane damage? Here’s what to do.


What to Do After a Hurricane