High winds can be incredibly destructive. When they reach tropical storm or hurricane levels, wind has the potential to cause extensive damage to homes and businesses. Many people have wind damage insurance to help them cover these types of losses. It is crucial that you understand how your wind damage insurance applies.

At Insurance Claim HQ, we want to make sure that homeowners and business owners know how to take on wind damage cases. Within this article, our New Orleans wind damage attorney explains the key things to know about what is included (and what is not) in wind damage insurance coverage.

What is a Wind Damage Insurance Claim?

A wind damage insurance claim is a request filed by a policyholder to their insurance company for coverage of damage caused by wind. It is a type of claim that is typically filed to seek compensation to cover the cost of repairs needed due to events such as thunderstorms, winter storms, tropical storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, and other high-wind situations that result in structural damage to a home or business. The insurance company will usually assess the claim by reviewing the extent of the damage and determining coverage based on the policy terms.

How Much Wind is Required to Cause Damage (Threat Varies)

How fast does the wind need to be blowing to cause major property damage? The answer is “it depends.” There are a number of different factors that determine the risk of damage with high winds. With that being said, the National Weather Service (NWS) does classify wind damage threats based primarily on speed. Here is an overview:

  • Non-Threatening: Winds at this level typically register below 20 mph and are considered gentle breezes that pose no threat to structures or trees. These winds might cause minor movement of small, unsecured objects but generally do not disrupt daily activities.
  • Low Threat: Wind speeds ranging from 20 to 39 mph can start to pose a low threat, particularly to fragile or loosely secured structures and objects. At this level, you may notice branches swaying and loose signage beginning to rattle. While not generally dangerous, these winds might cause damage to property.
  • Moderate Threat: When wind speeds reach a moderate threat level, they must be taken seriously as a risk. Moderate threat winds, which range from 40 to 57 mph, are strong enough to cause noticeable impacts, such as breaking larger branches, causing difficulty in walking against the wind, and potentially moving larger objects that are not well secured. Structural damage may or may not occur to homes and businesses.
  • High Threat: High-threat wind conditions are observed with speeds from 58 to 73 mph, which can lead to significant damage, such as uprooting trees, causing structural damage to homes, and turning unsecured objects into dangerous projectiles. These winds are often associated with severe weather events like strong thunderstorms or tropical storms. The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale requires sustained wind speeds to reach 74 mph for the storm to officially be classified as a hurricane.
  • Extreme Threat (Evacuation): Extreme threat winds exceed 74 mph and are typically found in major hurricane conditions or significant weather phenomena. These winds can cause catastrophic damage to entire communities—including complete destruction of homes and businesses, widespread power outages, and uprooting of large trees. Evacuation orders are often issued under these conditions. Winds in excess of 100 mph are exceptionally dangerous. Notably, wind speeds of 157 mph or higher are classified as a Category 5 hurricane. A direct hit from a Category 5 can wipe out virtually all structures.

Of course, it is important to emphasize that wind damage is variable. There are situations in which seemingly modest wind—perhaps even a storm that would be classified as “non-threatening” by the National Weather Service—can produce wind that would cause significant damage to a specific policyholder’s home or business.

Home Insurance Wind Damage (What is and is Not Included)

Wind can cause extreme damage to your home and/or your business. As a property owner in New Orleans or elsewhere in the Gulf Coast region, extreme winds are one of the primary natural disaster risks that you need to be prepared for. It is crucial that you understand your wind damage coverage. You should carefully review the specific terms of your policy. With that being said, here is a broad overview of wind damage that typically is (and is not) covered by wind damage insurance:

Typically Included

Roof Damage

Insurance typically covers repairs or replacement of roofs damaged by wind, including shingles, tiles, and underlying structures. Notably, roofs are often the first to be compromised during wind events. A roof replacement can be very expensive if it is damaged heavily due to wind.

Window Repairs

If the wind breaks or damages windows, insurance usually covers the cost of replacement or repair. Coverage generally includes the glass itself and any necessary work on frames or supports. It is imperative that a home’s windows are repaired in a timely manner.

Structural Repairs

Finally, wind insurance coverage often extends to other structural damages caused by wind. For example, damaged walls or even a shifted foundation may be covered. For many property owners, this includes the main building (home) and attached structures, like a garage.

Typically Not Included

Landscaping and Outdoor Furniture

Wind can cause a lot of damage to your exterior property. In most cases, it is not covered. Damage to gardens, trees, landscaping, and outdoor furniture is typically not covered by wind damage insurance. These items are considered external and more vulnerable. They are often excluded.

Flood Damage 

Although wind might be associated with storms that cause flooding, standard wind damage policies do not cover water damage. Homeowners need separate flood insurance—especially in flood-prone areas—to manage this risk. For standard policies, wind damage is covered, and flood damage is not.

Routine Wear and Tear

Finally, homeowners insurance does not cover damages that result from the normal wear and tear of a home. To be clear, this generally includes issues exacerbated by wind but primarily due to aging materials or poor maintenance. Of course, disputes can arise over this issue.

Why Trust Insurance Claim HQ for a Wind Damage Insurance Claim

Wind damage claims are notoriously complex. It is normal for homeowners and business owners to have a lot of questions about what is—and what is not—included as part of their wind damage coverage. You do not have to take on the complexities of the claims process alone. At Insurance Claim HQ, we know that a natural disaster should not leave you in pieces. Our record of case results tells the story best. Our attorneys are prepared to invest the time, resources, and attention to the small details to help you get the best possible outcome in your wind damage claim.

Schedule a Free Case Review With a Top-Tier New Orleans Wind Damage Lawyer Today

At Insurance Claim HQ, our New Orleans wind damage insurance lawyers have the skills, knowledge, and experience that you can rely on to take on the insurance company. If you have any questions about what is and what is not included as part of a wind damage claim, we can help. Give us a phone call now or contact us online to arrange your free, no-strings-attached case review. We handle wind damage claims in New Orleans and throughout all of the Gulf Coast region.

At Insurance Claim HQ, we are dedicated to fighting for the rights of policyholders when they experience a loss due to fire, flood, hurricane, theft, or insurance companies not keeping their word. Our attorneys have decades of experience negotiating property casualty insurance claims to maximize recovery.