contacting insurance company

You count on your insurance coverage when disaster strikes. The unfortunate reality, however, is that your home insurance company cares more about their profits than making sure you get a fair settlement offer in a timely manner.

Even if you have a strong case, insurance companies will use any tactic they can to reduce or deny your compensation. And one of their favorite negotiation tactics is simply stalling as long as they can.

We don’t have to tell you how maddening these tactics can be. That’s why hiring an experienced bad faith insurance lawyer can be extremely beneficial. Bad faith attorneys, like those at Insurance Claim HQ, can help to hold your insurance company accountable, while preventing stress for you and your loved ones.

That said, it’s not always easy to spot when your insurance is stalling, let alone know what to do next. In this article, we will break down the why and how of stalling insurance claims, as well as what you can do to fight back on your own.

Why an Insurance Adjuster Might Stall Your Claim

At the end of the day, your insurance company’s main priority is protecting their bottom line. Unfortunately, that means taking benefits away from claimants like you. This happens more than it should, from personal injury claims, car accident claims, and even homeowners insurance claims.

That doesn’t mean you can’t fight back, of course. But before you can fight back, you need to be able to identify and understand when and why your insurance company may be stalling.

Insurance companies will do whatever they think they can get away with to prevent paying full value for a claim. If you suspect your insurance is acting in bad faith, they may be stalling your claim for any of the following reasons:

  • Denying legitimate claims: Some insurance companies will deny claims right from the beginning of the claims process, which forces claimants to pay out of pocket.
  • Delaying claims to discourage claimants: Your insurance may keep delaying your claim in the hope that you will eventually give up. They may also stall to force you into accepting a lower claim value to get money when you need it most.
  • Lost evidence: Sometimes evidence can be difficult to find and analyze, which may delay your claim’s payout. By keeping extensive evidence records, you can avoid this potential delay.
  • Waiting for further damage: Your insurance may wait for your damage to get worse over time so they can claim you were negligent and devalue or deny your claim. This makes keeping records and communication especially important.
  • Outlasting the statute of limitations: Depending on your claim type and value, your insurance may be able to outlast your claim. If your insurance waits long enough, your claim could become void if you don’t file a lawsuit by the statute of limitations. Filing quickly can help give you the most time possible to fight back and avoid an unfair denial.

Whatever the reason, your insurance shouldn’t be able to deny you the compensation you deserve (and they’re contractually obligated to provide you). That’s why it’s important to stay aware of any potential delays or stalling tactics. By hiring a bad faith insurance attorney, you can help to identify these reasons and get justice for their wrongdoing.

Related: 5 Important Signs Your Insurance Company May Be Acting in Bad Faith

How to Tell if Your Insurance Company is Stalling

Although it seems like it would be easy to tell when your claim is being stalled, it can sometimes be difficult to tell the difference between a legitimate delay and bad faith. If your insurance company does any of the following, they may be trying to stall your claim:

  • Constantly asking for irrelevant documents or files
  • Asking for evidence one piece at a time
  • Multiple instances of a lack of decision on your claim
  • Claiming your claim is fraudulent, even with supporting evidence
  • Changing your insurance claims adjuster
  • Immediately denying a legitimate claim
  • Lying about the laws and rules that apply to your claim

Insurance companies should not get away with these tricks, but often do because claimants can’t tell the difference or aren’t informed about their rights. Be sure to keep an eye out for any of these tactics and protect yourself with evidence and an experienced bad faith attorney.

Related: The Two Major Laws Governing Insurance Bad Faith In Louisiana

What You Can Do While Waiting for Your Homeowners Insurance Claim

When your homeowner insurance company chooses to act in bad faith and stalls your claim, you may believe that all you can do is wait. However, there are ways you can make the most of this time to strengthen your claim and improve your chances of success.

If you believe that your insurance company is stalling or delaying payment of your claim, the following steps can help you to accelerate the process and increase your chances of success:

  • Gather as much evidence as possible: By collecting a comprehensive body of evidence, you can provide support for your claim as soon as your insurance agent asks for it. The more evidence you have, the stronger your claim will be, and the quicker your claim can be processed. This can include photos, videos, communications with your insurance, your insurance policy, any bills you’ve incurred, and more.
  • Keep a timeline of your claim and damage: When disaster strikes, keeping a journal or timeline of what happens next can help support your claim later. The clearer your notes are, the stronger you claim will be. Consider adding times and dates to specific events and damage, as well as giving detailed descriptions of conditions and damage severity.
  • Stay in contact with your insurance company: Keep close tabs on your claim’s progress. Open communication with your insurance proves your willingness to help them get your claim filed and proves you have nothing to hide. It will also help to hold them accountable and let them know you’re aware of any stalling they may try.
  • Hire a bad faith attorney: Bad faith attorneys have experience fighting against insurance companies and know how to protect your claim. By hiring an attorney, you can focus on recovering, while they do the hard work for your claim.

It is important to remember that you are not powerless against your insurance company. In times of need, you deserve to get the help you pay for. Using these tips can prevent your homeowners insurance from taking advantage of you and protect you and your loved ones from bad faith.

Insurance Claim HQ: Here to Protect You Against Bad Faith Insurance Adjusters

When your insurance company acts in bad faith, you deserve help getting the compensation you deserve. That’s why the insurance experts at Insurance Claim HQ are here to help walk you through the claims process and hold your homeowners insurance responsible. Our team of property insurance lawyers knows the tricks your insurance company may use to cheat you out of your claim and will help you avoid these pitfalls.

If you or a loved one believe your insurance company is stalling your claim in bad faith, call Insurance Claim HQ at 844-964-0778 or contact us to schedule a free consultation for your bad faith claim.

The content provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject.

At Insurance Claim HQ, we are dedicated to fighting for the rights of policyholders when they experience a loss due to fire, flood, hurricane, theft, or insurance companies not keeping their word. Our attorneys have decades of experience negotiating property casualty insurance claims to maximize recovery.