A sudden hailstorm can leave you and your loved ones with a damaged home and unanswered questions about whether your homeowners insurance will pay for the repairs. While your homeowners policy likely offers wind and hail coverage, many insurance companies still try to dodge their obligation to pay out hail claims—even when those claims are legitimate.
If you’re looking for answers and ways to fight back, it’s time to contact the professionals. Hiring an experienced hail damage claim attorney can give you and your loved ones the tools you need to file a successful hail damage claim.
Insurance Claim HQ knows the tips and tricks that can make or break your hail claim. Our team of experienced property damage attorneys are ready to help you build your case, go toe-to-toe with the insurance company, and fight for the compensation you deserve. In this article, we will cover how to identify and handle hail damage, why homeowners insurance policies are denying hail damage claims, and what you can do to increase your claim’s chances of success.
Understanding Home Hail Damage
After a hailstorm strikes, be sure to carefully and safely examine your property, even if you don’t yet suspect major issues.
Hail damage can be deceptive. What might seem like minor damage, such as a few broken shingles, can lead to the development of weak spots in the roof and other long-term issues. You may not realize the true consequences until weeks, months, or even years down the road.
The unpredictable nature of hail damage makes filing your claim quickly and accurately extremely important. If you wait too long, your insurance company is likely to argue that the damage was not directly linked to the hailstorm, or that they weren’t able to conduct a fair investigation, and then deny your claim on those grounds.
Be sure to carefully document any damage to your home, whether that be major roof hail damage or minor wind damage. Though your insurance may not cover minor cosmetic damage, documenting such damages now could help if they lead to a necessary roof replacement later.
The other issue with the delayed timing on major hail damage is that homeowners insurance policies have a time limit on when to file. If you are unsure about the extent of your hail damage, report it to your insurance company sooner rather than later. Even if your insurance company claims your damage is cosmetic, you will have documentation and evidence if those issues lead to further damage later on.
Related: Storm Damage Insurance Claims: Did I Report the Damage Soon Enough?
How Your Homeowners Insurance May Try to Deny Your Claim
While policyholders want to believe that their insurance provider is looking out for them, the truth is that there are many ways insurance companies aggressively refuse to cover hail damage insurance claims.
When filing a claim, your insurance company will send out an insurance adjuster to assess your home or roof damage. If this insurance adjuster finds your damage to be only cosmetic, your policy will likely not cover repair costs for the damaged shingles. And even if the damage is undeniably serious and obviously covered, they may still underestimate the true repair costs to reduce what the insurer has to pay out.
Furthermore, even though the damage that can stem from these seemingly minor issues can lead to a major replacement and repair cost for you and your loved ones, your insurance agent may claim they were caused by negligence—or in other words, that the homeowner is to blame for not properly inspecting and maintaining the roof.
Remember, insurance companies are a business, and denying claims is how they make big profits. A new roof is a major expense, even with you paying a portion of the costs through your deductible. So, if they can find any excuse to get out of their responsibility to pay, they will take it.
What to Do Before Filing Your Hail Damage Claim
When you are filing a claim, you need to be confident that you have taken every step possible to increase your chances of receiving compensation. Your insurance agent will use all the tools at their disposal to keep from paying you for your damages’ true value. So, while you’re preparing to file a claim, use the following steps to give your claim the best chance possible for success.
Take Pictures of Your Hail Damage, Wind Damage, and Roof Damage
Some of the strongest evidence you can provide for your claim is photo evidence. Take as many photos and videos as is safely possible of hail damage to solidify your claim. If you or a loved one don’t feel comfortable checking your roof’s damage yourself, hire an experienced roofing contractor to provide you with a professional opinion and an unbiased roof repair estimate.
Get an Estimate from an Independent Public Adjuster
When your insurance adjuster submits their opinion to your insurance company, it is valuable to have a second opinion that can counter any false claims they might make. Hiring an independent public adjuster gives you higher chances at receiving more compensation for your damage. They can provide you with an accurate assessment of the actual cash value of the damage to your roof, and even point you in the direction of a licensed contractor or roofer you might hire to perform repairs once your roof claim is approved.
Hire an Experienced Insurance Claim Attorney
The claims process can be confusing and overwhelming to someone without the proper expertise to navigate it. Filing a claim can place an unfair burden upon you and your loved ones, which may lead to even further financial and emotional hardship.
Experienced insurance claim attorneys know how insurance policies work inside and out and are ready to take the weight off you so you can focus on recovering. An attorney can communicate with your insurance company, organize and gather data, and even help find contractors to assist during the repair process.
Insurance Claim HQ is Holding the Insurance Company Accountable in Louisiana
At Insurance Claim HQ, we have seen the toll that wind and hail damage can take on the residents of Louisiana. We represent your best interests when the insurance company unjustly denies your hail damage insurance claim.
Our team of experienced property damage claim attorneys are here to help you through the claim process, gather evidence, and fight back if your homeowners insurance company denies your claim.
If you or a loved one are in need of legal assistance, contact us today or call us directly at 844-587-8395 for a free consultation.
The content provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject.