hail damage

Hail is an often overlooked byproduct of the severe storms that frequently wreck Louisiana homes.

Hail is a form of solid precipitation that is similar to, yet distinct from, ice pellets. Indeed, the typical hailstone can measure several inches in diameter, which makes it a potent projectile should several hundred of them come in contact with your roof.

A common question we get is, “Will my homeowner’s insurance policy cover hail damage to my roof?” As with many insurance-related queries, the answer is, “It depends.” In fact, it depends on several factors.

Understanding Wind and Hail Damage Coverage–And Its Exceptions

In many cases, hail damage is considered part of the standard coverage included in a basic homeowner’s insurance policy. Hail damage is often paired with windstorm damage, as wind also commonly damages a home’s roof. So, if your policy has standard hail and windstorm coverage, then any hail damage to your roof will likely be covered.

Of course, there are a number of exceptions and caveats. The first is that if you live in a coastal area, such as New Orleans, your standard homeowner’s policy may contain either a high deductible for wind and hail damage or an outright exclusion. Insurance companies have become especially risk-averse when it comes to hail damage in areas that see frequent storms.

In some cases, a hail exclusion may only be for cosmetic damage to your roof as opposed to structural damage. With other policies, your wind and hail deductible may be a percentage of your policy’s total value. For instance, if you insure your home for $300,000 and the insurance company imposes a 4-percent wind and hail deductible, you would have to pay the first $12,000 in hail damage out-of-pocket before your homeowner’s policy would take over.

One other thing to keep in mind is that insurance companies will often present wind and hail damage as a separate endorsement to your homeowner’s policy. In other words, it is technically “optional” coverage that you can decline in exchange for a lower premium. But if you take the lower premium, you would be left with no insurance coverage in the event of hail damage.

Finally, if you do live in an especially high-risk area, you may find it difficult, if not impossible, to purchase wind and hail damage coverage for your home. Many Louisiana residents may need to turn to an “insurer of last resort,” such as the Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, to buy special policies just to cover hail damage.

Contact a Louisiana Hail Damage Claim Attorney Today

Hail damage can damage more than just your roof. It can lead to additional water damage inside of your home, destroy your running water supply, and lead to dangerous electrical wiring problems.

So, if you have recently suffered hail damage, it is best to consult with an attorney who can advise you of your rights under your insurance policy and fight for your right to maximum compensation.

Contact Insurance Claim HQ today to schedule a free claim evaluation.

At Insurance Claim HQ, we are dedicated to fighting for the rights of policyholders when they experience a loss due to fire, flood, hurricane, theft, or insurance companies not keeping their word. Our attorneys have decades of experience negotiating property casualty insurance claims to maximize recovery.