When you have an insurance claim, you’re counting on the insurance company to do the right thing. What laws or rules are in place to hold the insurance company accountable? Texas Insurance Code Chapter 542 protects consumers. It requires efficient processing of claims and creates penalties for non-compliance. The bad faith insurance lawyers serving Texas at Insurance Claim HQ explain […]

Even though you have a lot of things to do after suffering home damage from a hurricane, getting your claim filed on time is important. Our hurricane damage lawyers at Insurance Claim HQ explains the time limit for filing a hurricane claim in Florida. How Long You Have to File a Hurricane Claim in Florida You […]

When you file an insurance claim, you expect to have your claim heard by your insurance provider. However, what if the provider does not respond to your claim? What can you do when your provider refuses to pay? Below are some facts about how to file a bad faith insurance claim from our lawyers serving Florida at […]

Hurricanes are powerful storms that can do extensive damage. When a major or historic hurricane passes through, homes can be destroyed by the powerful winds. But, how is a home determined to be a total loss after a hurricane? What does a total loss entail? If you have questions regarding what a total loss entails, […]

More and more Americans are purchasing solar panels. Some are doing so to lessen their environmental impact. Others are seeking cost savings or seeking to rely less on power companies. However, if you are in an area that is at risk for hurricanes, you may wonder what the risks are for hurricane damage to solar […]

A hurricane is a powerful storm, with high winds and extensive rain. However, if normal thunderstorms often carry the risk of hail damage, do hurricanes carry a risk as well? Would you need your insurance to cover hail damage while in hurricane season? From the hurricane claim lawyers at Insurance Claim HQ, here are some tips and […]

If you are a Texas property owner whose property has been damaged, you might wonder when you will receive your insurance payout. You may be unaware that the Texas Prompt Payment Act may give you the right to be paid within a specific timetable. But do you have other rights from that law? What can […]

As the amount of condominiums in the state of Florida grows, the risk of hurricane damages to these properties grows as well. In Florida, if a condominium is damaged, who is liable for the damages? Is it the unit owner, the condominium board or association, or both? If both parties are responsible for the damages, […]

Over more than 160 years, Florida has had more hurricane landfalls than any other state. Of those, 37 were Category 3 or higher. As the state that has been hit more times by hurricanes than any other, Florida has laws dealing with hurricanes, and among those are laws that regulate insurance deductibles for hurricane-related damage. […]

During a hurricane warning in Louisiana, you should be prepared, especially if you live in a targeted zone and can be required to evacuate. Depending on what type of evacuation orders are given during the storm, you may be planning to evacuate, getting your family and pets to safety until the storm passes. You must […]