As we approach hurricane season, it makes sense to do a few posts discussing the dreaded “H” word – hurricanes (I probably don’t even curse enough to know any alternatives for the letter). I don’t just want to discuss the liability that insurance companies may have to you in the event of a hurricane loss, […]

It’s hurricane season down here on the Gulf Coast, and as we anticipate strong storms, many homeowners are preparing for the worst. This weekend, Tropical Storm Barry, the first major storm of the season, will make landfall. It is likely that this storm will produce strong winds capable of damaging your property directly and by […]

So, a while back our firm had the privilege of representing a large commercial building in Louisiana that suddenly had water coming in through its roof. Now I’m not talking about a drip. I’m talking about an absolute waterfall. We initially thought that this might be due to a recent hurricane. Once we got on […]

No matter how many times you do this, you always learn something new. For the first time, I noticed that a major insurance company was directing one of its policyholders to upload every bit of information regarding a claim, particularly the contents portion into an online portal. On some more basic level, I already knew […]

I wanted to discuss vendors that insurance companies steer policyholders towards today in relatively general terms. This topic can be pretty varied and wide-ranging, so we will do a more detailed series later. Now, when you are initially suffering a loss, whether it is a fire or a flood, you will most likely to reach […]

The reality is there may be certain types of claims that certain insurance companies will look at with much more scrutiny than if it were a different type of claim or yet another insurance company. For example, a home that caught fire that has a history of catching fire may be looked at for potential […]

Examinations Under Oath are ways for insurance companies to deny your claim. There, I said it. I realize that may come as a surprise to you. Why would an insurance company want to deny your claim? Obviously I’m being a bit facetious here, but, nevertheless, the reality is that EUO’s are used by insurance companies […]

While many people in and around New Orleans and other coastal cities are concerned about hurricanes, we are right in the middle of tornado season for Louisiana. Tornadoes are also a very real threat throughout the spring season, as are serious thunderstorms. This type of weather can cause serious wind and hail damage to homes, […]

Even though you pay property insurance premiums, it is always preferable to never have to file a claim. However, if something suddenly happens to your home, you hope that your insurance company will resolve the matter promptly and provide you the coverage you need to repair the damage or replace personal property. While insurance claims […]

With Mardi Gras festivities already ramping up in New Orleans and the big day happening on March 5th, people in and around the city are decorating their homes, making plans with family and friends, and otherwise gearing up for the celebration. However, if you own property in New Orleans, you should prepare for Mardi Gras […]