After receiving a reservation of rights letter from the homeowner’s insurance company, you may fear you’ve lost coverage. It sounds like the insurance company is threatening to deny or limit coverage for your claim. This can be a confusing and alarming experience for many homeowners who may not fully understand what a reservation of rights […]

Getting home insurance is vital if you want to maintain your financial security, and knowing how to read and understand the extent of your coverage is also essential. Due to the complex language used, these types of insurance are challenging to read and comprehend — especially when it’s time to file a property damage claim. […]

A sworn proof of loss is a tool by the homeowners insurance company to guard against fraudulent claims. However, they can trip up and slow down valid claims like yours. Before you deal with a sworn proof of loss document, let an experienced homeowners insurance claim attorney help respond to your insurer. What Is a Sworn Proof […]

Any damage to the home’s foundation needs immediate action. But your home insurer has exclusions that may affect whether these problems are covered. For instance, a policy may only address foundation issues caused by fire, vandalism, and water. Familiarizing yourself with foundation damage warning signs and what caused them is essential. If you need clarification […]

Having to leave your home due to severe storm, fire, or water damage is not something that we are always prepared for. When this happens, your only option might be to pack and leave for a safer space until your home is repaired. Finding temporary lodging might strain your finances — unless your insurance covers […]

If you have been asked to attend an Examination Under Oath (EUO) by your homeowner’s insurance company, it’s essential to understand your rights. An EUO is a formal process conducted by your insurance company where they will ask you questions to determine the veracity of your insurance claim. While you may be thinking about refusing […]

While icicles can be pretty, they pose serious safety hazards to people and homes. It is crucial to remove icicles and resulting ice dams as soon as possible. How Can Icicles Damage Your Home? Icicles not only pose a safety hazard to people and pets, but they can cause significant damage to your home. The […]

Homeowner’s insurance is designed to protect your home and personal property from a variety of risks, such as fire, theft, and liability. However, many homeowners are unaware of the coverage available to them when it comes to defective construction. If a home builder or contractor has performed construction improperly, it can make a building more […]

For the average homeowner, trees are an important part of the home’s landscape and can add value to the property. Unfortunately, trees can also become diseased by pests, poor soil, and the ravages of weather. In some cases, they may need to be removed as a safety precaution. So, does homeowners insurance cover diseased tree […]

If you’re a homeowner in New Orleans, you know that severe weather can be a concern. In mid-December 2022, a string of tornadoes hit the area, causing significant damage to many homes and businesses. If you’re wondering whether your homeowner’s insurance policy covers tornado damage, here’s what you need to know. What Forms of Tornado […]