New Orleans Property Damage Attorneys

A building isn’t just a building
it is a living, breathing structure full of interconnected systems and materials.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a storm, fire, or flood; the damage that’s visible is rarely the full story. Allow one of our expert case evaluators to inspect your entire property to ensure you’re compensated for the full extent of your damages.
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business interruption

When you own a business, there are a lot of people who depend on you. Your employees pay their bills through the work they do. Your family depends on the company running operationally to live with peace-of-mind. You have your loans and costs to take care of on top of all those people. If your business cannot operate and produce revenue, no one in your circle can live with peace-of-mind. You need to contact the business property and casualty insurance lawyers at Insurance Claim HQ when your claim is denied. Our team has experience dealing with all types of insurance companies across the country.
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flood damage

Even minor floods can cause major damage to your home or business. Insurance companies are notorious for utilizing loopholes to avoid paying out the full cost of repairs. The moment you run into this problem, contact Insurance Claim HQ's team of flood damage attorneys who can work on your behalf.
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hail damage

Hail can cause serious damage for residential or commercial property owners. When hail hits, it can damage the exterior of your home, including the roof, as well as other personal property inside your home. Although hailstorms can be destructive, the amount of damage can vary greatly depending on the severity of the storm and the materials that your roof is made of. There is nothing more frustrating than damages to your property. The only thing more frustrating than the damage itself is trying to deal with an insurance company that does not want to pay for the full extent of the damages.
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hurricane damage

Wind, rain, flooding; hurricanes are unrivaled in the destruction they can cause to properties. Getting an accurate disbursement to rebuild after a storm is crucial, but insurance companies often work to minimize your claim. Contact our team of hurricane damage attorneys to get you what you need to rebuild after a storm.
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insurance bad faith

We represent clients in all types of these cases, including coverage disputes, wrongful denial of a claim, unreasonable delays in paying a legitimate claim, failure to defend a claim against you, and many others. We understand the insurance company’s duty to you, and we work hard to see that your interests are protected. We are highly skilled in reviewing policy terms and building a strong argument in support of your position for coverage or protection against a bad faith insurance claim.
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mold damage

It can take weeks or even months for mold damage to become apparent after a flood or a storm. Insurance companies often try to deflect blame to keep from paying out the maximum cost of damages. Our team of property casualty attorneys care about one thing: getting you the maximum payout to fix or restore your property after mold damage.
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pipe burst

A burst pipe can cause serious damage to residential or commercial owners. They will most likely result in water damage which will cause numerous domino-effecting problems. It’s important that pipe bursts are caught quickly so you can minimize the damage. Though burst pipes are often covered by most homeowner’s insurance policies, burst pipes during the winter season are a completely different case. Your claim may be denied. If you have insurance and you own a property, the first thing you can do to ensure that your property damage is properly covered by your insurance company is to contact one of our New Orleans property damage lawyers. Insurance companies will do everything they can to avoid disbursement, and you need a trusty legal team to enforce your agreement.
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sewer damage

Insurers will deny claims for certain causes of sewer damage and can restrict payment by minimizing the damage to your home. Having the right legal representation protecting your rights as a policyholder can often improve the outcome of your sewer damage claim.
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sinkhole damage

Sinkholes can wreak havoc on your entire property, unsettling the foundation and leaving you exposed to unseen damages. Insurance companies often limit payouts to obvious damage, ignoring hidden or potential issues. Our team of property casualty attorneys will work to get you the maximum payout to restore your property after sinkhole damage.
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stolen car claims

For many people, a stolen car can put your entire life on hold. Our attorneys can help you navigate the insurance process and avoid wrongful delays and denials. We will stand up for your rights as the victim of car theft and work to obtain the full amount you deserve for repairs or for the actual cash value of your vehicle if it is a total loss.
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storm damage

It’s not uncommon for insurance companies to try to claim that your home was covered by hurricane damage, but not regular storm damage, meaning severe structural damage to your home is not covered because of a technicality in the storm’s classification. The first thing you can do to ensure that your property damage is properly covered by your insurance company is to contact one of our property damage lawyers.
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theft claims

Whether through a break-in or otherwise, experiencing a theft feels like a particularly intimate violation. You should never accept an insurance settlement before having our insurance claim attorneys review it. If you accept less than you deserve, you lose the right to fight for more in the future.
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tornado damage

Although tornadoes may not be as common in the Gulf South states as opposed to the Midwestern states, when they do occur, it has the potential to cause abrupt and catastrophic property loss. Tornadoes can cause major damage to homes, businesses, contents, and vehicles. There is nothing more frustrating than damages to your property. The only thing more frustrating than the damage itself is trying to deal with an insurance company that does not want to pay for the full extent of the damages. Our Louisiana tornado damage claim lawyers are focused on helping you get back on your feet and collecting the FAIR amount you are owed after a tornado touches down in your area.
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water damage

Water damage can quickly cause dangerous conditions in your home or office, such as mold and decay. Mold can cause a number of serious health issues, and decay can result in termites, carpenter ants, and costly repairs. If you’re dealing with water damage, it is important that you speak with an experienced insurance claim attorney about your case right away.
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wildfire damage

Wildfire damage can be difficult to calculate, and you can be sure your insurance company will make a low initial offer. You should never accept an insurance settlement offer without first discussing your situation and losses with our wildfire damage lawyers at Insurance Claim HQ. Call (844) 969-4130 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation today.
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wind damage

While you may not expect that your insurance company will try and leave you high and dry, it’s important that you recognize their attempts as soon as possible and contact a New Orleans property damage attorney. Once we intervene, we can help you assess your policy, prove damages, and prove the liability of your insurance company, getting you headed back in the right direction.
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fire damage/loss

A residential or commercial fire can cause serious and expensive problems in a home or commercial building. Our property damage attorneys recommend receiving legal aid when your insurance company underpays or refuses to pay on your fire and smoke related damages. Having someone working for you will keep your insurance company accountable.
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Homeowners Insurance Claims

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Protecting Your Insurance Investments

Each month, you pay your insurance providers a premium that covers your most valuable assets – your home and property. In exchange for these premiums, your insurance providers promise to disburse payouts in the event that catastrophic damage threatens or captures these assets, if the event is in line with the conditions of your agreement.

All too often, these insurance providers use unethical and illegal tactics to withhold these payouts and disenfranchised citizens are left to scramble and try to manage without these payouts that are owed to them. When this happens, you are not alone. Our experienced New Orleans attorneys handle property and casualty insurance claims in a professional manner. We’ll righteously confront your insurance provider and demand what is rightfully yours.

Insurance policies will vary, and it’s important that you have the help of New Orleans attorneys who understand property and casualty insurance claims. It’s also important to know which events are covered and which are not before you enter into a policy. Insurance Claim HQ can help you take the necessary precautions to guard against an event that might leave you without coverage – on your own, so to speak.

Hiring Your Legal Protection

When insurance companies fail to cover the events and damages that they agreed to cover, it is known as bad faith insurance. This is a group of tactics aimed to protect their own finances. Insurance companies can be heavy hitters, and fighting them without the highly experienced New Orleans attorneys of Insurance Claim HQ by your side is not advised.

Meet Our

We are a group of attorneys who have extensive experience in property casualty insurance claims.
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