chimney repair

Not every house has a fireplace, but for those that do, a chimney adds an irreplaceable charm and literal warmth to a cozy home. Of course, having a fireplace means having a chimney that can be costly to maintain and repair without proper insurance. In the event of leaks, fire damage or storm damage, you […]

insurance attorneys

The Louisiana Insurance Guaranty Association is a statutory entity established by the Louisiana legislature to protect policyholders and claimants. If you have questions about the protections offered under LIGA or need help making a claim, the home insurance claim lawyers at Insurance Claim HQ can help. We serve New Orleans and all surrounding areas, assisting people in […]


Most homeowners are aware that dealing with the insurance company after filing a claim can sometimes be difficult, but you likely feel that you can rest easy knowing that you at least have coverage in case of a disaster. If your insurer suddenly goes bankrupt, however, there may be many uncertainties surrounding your coverage. Our […]


The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) estimates that winter fires cause approximately $3 billion in damages each year. Residential fires account for nearly two-thirds of that property loss. For a number of reasons, fires in the winter are a serious safety hazard. A home fire is a serious tragedy. The good news is that many are preventable. […]

probate law

When a loved one passes away, there are many complex emotions to process and many complicated affairs that can be difficult to deal with. When it comes to matters of the deceased’s real estate, one simple yet crucial question is what happens to homeowners insurance when someone dies. At Insurance Claim HQ, our attorneys help homeowners […]

roof damage

Roof leaks are one way that a hurricane can cause damage. If your roof starts leaking during a hurricane, you need to know what to do. The Insurance Claim HQ team explains how to mitigate damage when there’s a leak in your ceiling. Contact our lawyers if you need to make a water damage claim after a […]

hurricane damage

Homes along the coasts may have their surrounding property battered by hurricane winds. Flying debris can cause damage to homes and personal property. Water can damage the home and cause erosion. But there are steps you can take to minimize the chance of damage. Insurance Claim HQ’s homeowners insurance claim lawyers explain how to prepare your landscaping […]

Hurricane damage

What could happen to your business if a hurricane were to strike? Could you operate without the internet, computers and credit card readings? What if utilities like power and water are not operational? What if your physical structure or mechanical operations suffer damage? Do employees know what to do? There are 6-11 Atlantic hurricanes each year. 2-5 of […]

hurricane damage

On average, five hurricanes reach landfall in the United States each year. About two a year are major hurricanes with wind speeds exceeding 110 miles per hour. Even winds of 50-60 miles per hour create high risk of damage, so these hurricanes pose a danger to homes. Homeowners need to know if they can hurricane-proof a house. If […]

roof damage

Florida’s new roof replacement law is affecting homeowners trying to rebuild. Now, the age of your roof may impact what happens if your home sustains roof damage. The homeowners insurance claim lawyers at Insurance Claim HQ explain the new roofing law in Florida and what you need to know. What Are the Changes to Florida’s Roofing Law? […]