Dealing with property damage is stressful and frustrating—especially if the damage is to your home. You have insurance coverage to help you cover these damages. When you file a property insurance claim, you have the fair and reasonable expectation that you will receive your benefits in a timely manner. Unfortunately, that does not always happen. […]

When you purchase an insurance policy, you expect that the money you spend on your policy will guarantee coverage for you and your family when you need it. In other words: you expect to get what you pay for. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always happen that way. Insurance companies looking to save money and cut costs […]

You should be able to trust your own insurance company—after all, you’re their paying customer. The unfortunate reality, however, is that your insurance is not always on your side. When your insurance company stalls, misleads, or denies your claim, they are acting in bad faith, and you deserve justice. But what does that mean for […]

You count on your insurance coverage when disaster strikes. The unfortunate reality, however, is that your home insurance company cares more about their profits than making sure you get a fair settlement offer in a timely manner. Even if you have a strong case, insurance companies will use any tactic they can to reduce or […]

When you make an insurance claim, you deserve fast payment. If it seems like the insurance company is taking too long, you may start to wonder about timelines. How long can the insurance company take to investigate? Our insurance claim attorneys explain. How long an insurance company has to investigate a claim varies from state to state. State laws create […]

Louisiana law requires that insurance companies deal with their clients in good faith. This legal requirement means, among other things, that settlement offers should be reasonable and represent a good faith attempt to settle a claim. What Is a Bad Faith Offer The primary example of a bad faith offer is one that is for an […]

In Louisiana, your insurance company has deadlines for responding to your claims. These deadlines are usually either 30 or 60 days. If you have not heard by then, your insurer may be ignoring your claim. So, what should you do if it seems like your company is ignoring you? Is Your Adjuster or Investigator Not […]

As a matter of law, your homeowner’s insurance company is required to treat you and your claim with good faith. An insurance policy is a contract, and all parties to a contract must perform their duties under the contract in good faith. So, how do you go about providing that your homeowner’s insurance company is acting in […]

Louisiana has two bad faith insurance laws, and they both define bad faith as occurring when an insurer acts in a manner that is “arbitrary, capricious, or without probable cause.” In other words, if the denial, settlement offer, or delay is unjustified or unreasonable, the company is acting in bad faith. Acting in bad faith allows your insurance […]

Your insurance company has a contractual good faith obligation to investigate and pay your legitimate claims. How can you tell if they aren’t, and what should you do? Insurance Company Is Not Properly Investigating Remember, even though your insurance company is supposed to pay you money, what they want to do is pay you as little […]