Fire Damage Attorney
in New Orleans
Serving the Entire
State of Louisiana

A residential or commercial fire can cause serious and expensive problems in a home or commercial building. Our New Orleans property damage attorneys recommend receiving legal aid when your insurance company underpays or refuses to pay on your fire and smoke related damages. It's a good idea to pursue the remediation you deserve with an attorney who can ensure that you are protected from the outset.
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Seeing your home or business location ablaze could be immensely devastating and could turn your life quickly upside down.

Naturally, you will be counting on your insurance provider to save you at times like these. Unfortunately, however, you may find that your insurance provider isn’t really on your side. If this happens, our highly experienced New Orleans fire damage lawyer is ready to step in to help make sure that your insurance company falls in line and enables you to get back on your feet.

In some cases, insurers deny the claims of policyholders, even when they pay their premiums consistently. Of course, this can make anyone feel frustrated, angry, and betrayed since the insurer was supposed to extend help when you need it. The reality is that many insurers deny claims and hope that you will just accept whatever amount they offer you. This is especially true in cases when the insurer knows that a policyholder doesn’t have legal counsel.

Our reputed fire damage attorneys can help you deal with your insurance provider and have your fire loss and damage paid. Connect with us here at Insurance Claim HQ for a free claim evaluation to learn how to make your fire damage insurance provider pay your claim’s total amount.

Hear directly from one of our clients.  His home devastatingly suffered property damage, and we were able to help him recover.

Common Causes of Fires in Homes and Business Spaces

People fear fires because they can happen any time and due to various causes, such as:

  • Cooking fires
  • Wiring and electrical defects
  • Candles
  • Christmas decors, notably lights and trees
  • Fireworks
  • Cigarettes
  • Unattended fireplaces

Fires can also occur due to external causes such as arson, wildfires, and lightning. Also, malfunctioning motor vehicles in garages that are connected to homes could result in fires. A lot of homeowners might feel helpless and hopeless after a fire has ravaged their property. But they can have their destroyed items replaced and the fire, smoke, and water damage repaired through their homeowner’s insurance policy.

Tips for Filing a Fire Insurance Claim

File a report with your insurance provider right after the fire. Expect a visit from your insurer’s insurance adjuster to your house or place of business to evaluate the fire damage and related damages.

When it’s safe, take photos and videos of the fire damage and list down all the items that need replacing or repairing. You can also include personal items, costly electronic items.

Make sure to secure the property to keep all the remaining belongings safe. Cover all broken holes to protect against wind, rain, or snow. Board up your home and further secure it with fencing to keep looters away.

Expect multiple talks with the insurance claims adjuster assigned to your case. Make sure to document all instances of contact with them. Written communication is usually better since it’s already recorded and organized. Take notes regarding the adjuster’s attitude during visits and discussions, any canceled appointments, things you discussed, and unreturned communication. If there are documents, make copies of them as well. These records will be helpful for evaluations by your property damage lawyer if you’ll need to file a claim against the insurer later on.

Make sure to keep track and make records of your living expenses. Your insurance coverage includes a loss of use clause, which means that your insurer will reimburse your living expenses when you’ve been displaced from your house.

Consider getting your public or private adjuster to evaluate your fire loss and damage. This is particularly crucial when a significant amount of property has been destroyed or damaged. Your insurer’s claims adjuster will most likely assign a lowball amount to your losses to save the insurer money instead of giving you a fair compensation amount. The findings of your private adjuster can be used to dispute the insurer’s adjuster proposed amount. Ask your property damage attorney in New Orleans for a recommendation if you don’t know where to find a private adjuster or want someone you can trust.

Get in touch with a reputed New Orleans fire damage lawyer to obtain sound advice right from the start. Your lawyer will be able to guide you in filing your claim and stand up to your insurance company if need be.

Understanding How Your
Fire Damage Insurance Works

A homeowners’ insurance policy provides policyholders coverage for damage and loss to their property and possessions. These possessions or insured property includes your home’s exterior and interior as well as any property inside your home. Your policy may likewise cover injuries sustained on your property. Do note, though, that your policy’s terms and conditions determine what exactly will be covered after a fire. It may only protect insured property damaged by the fire or cover all losses, such as smoke and water damage, including damage due to water used for putting out the fire.

Your coverage limits will depend on what caused the fire, and your policy will reimburse you on either an actual cash value (ACV) or replacement-cost basis for all eligible damages. If your property is a total loss, you should be reimbursed for the current market value of your property. Likewise, keep in mind that your insurer should reimburse the market value of lost insured property, with the total compensation amount capped based on your property’s overall value.

Why Your Insurance Company May Deny Your Claim and What to Do

Insurance providers have their own claims adjusters and investigators and typically look for all kinds of reasons and loopholes, like the ones below, to deny legitimate fire loss and damage insurance claims:

  • Valuation differences of the amount you’re claiming for property damage and loss.
  • Alleging that you, or someone you know, committed arson just to claim insurance money.
  • Accusing you of fraud when making your claim.
  • Disputing what insured property was damaged or lost in the fire.

Plenty of times, insurance providers will simply deny a fire damage insurance claim following a brief and random investigation. Your provider might also claim that your policy wasn’t active when the fire happened or that you don’t have a covered loss. Likewise, it might argue that you violated a vague condition in your policy.

Besides denying your insurance claim, your insurer may also try to delay the compensation process and persuade you to settle with their unreasonably low offer. Never fall for this scheme. If you suspect that your insurance provider is lowballing your or has denied your claim due to ridiculous reasons, consult with a fire damage attorney as soon as possible. Your fire damage lawyer will help you understand your insurance policy and take on the task of negotiating with your insurance company to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.

Should You Get a Lawyer After a House Fire?

There are several reasons retaining a fire damage lawyer is a good idea after a house fire.

1. A lawyer can help you navigate the legal process.

Insurance claims can be complex, and it can be difficult to know what steps to take or what documents to provide. A lawyer specializing in property damage claims can help guide you through the process and ensure you meet all the necessary deadlines and requirements. On your part, a lawyer can bargain with the insurance provider. Insurance companies may attempt to minimize your claim or completely reject it because they are in the business of making money.

2. A lawyer can negotiate with the insurance company for a fair settlement.

If necessary, you can retain legal counsel to represent you in court. If you and the insurance provider are unable to reach an agreement, you might need to launch a lawsuit in order to obtain the proper reimbursement.

3. A lawyer may speak on your behalf and fight for your interests.

Should your claim fail to be settled outside of court, a fire damage lawyer is prepared to fight for you. It’s important to note that lawyers for house fires typically focus on property damage claims rather than personal injury claims. If you or someone in your home was injured in the fire, you may need a different type of lawyer to help with those claims.

Do You Need a Lawyer
for a Fire Damage

It’s highly advisable to retain legal counsel for any insurance claim, including those based on fire damage.

Why Would Your
Fire Damage Claim
be Denied?

Insurance companies regularly deny fire damage claims on technical or even wrongful grounds to protect their bottom line.

How Much Does
a Fire Damage
Lawyer Cost?

At Insurance Claim HQ, we take all of our fire damage claims on a contingency fee basis. That means that if we don’t get paid unless you get paid out of your settlement.

Can I handle my
insurance claim
without a lawyer?

It is possible to handle your insurance claim without a lawyer, but it can be a challenging and time-consuming process. A lawyer can take some of the burden off your shoulders and help you get a fair settlement.

How do I Find The
Best Lawyer For My
House FIre Claim?

One choice is to seek advice from friends or relatives who have experienced comparable circumstances. You can also research lawyers online and look for those with experience handling property damage claims.

Meet Our Attorneys

We are a group of attorneys who have extensive experience in property casualty insurance claims.
Meet Our Attorneys

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