
The Role of Empathy in a Case with Lauren Checki – Episode 48

Level Up Claims
November 8, 2023

Episode Description

Galen Hair interviews seasoned attorney and friend, Lauren Checki. The topic is the role of emotional intelligence and vulnerability in the legal setting. Lauren emphasizes the power of human connection and empathy, drawing from her personal experiences where displays of authentic emotions led to better outcomes in mediations. She encourages other attorneys to incorporate empathy and compassion in their service and to be willing to take risks for better client outcomes. Reflecting on her early days in law school and her journey, she believes that understanding clients as people rather than claim numbers is essential.

Who’s the Guest?
Lauren E. Checki is an attorney who has worked tirelessly to make a difference in the lives of thousands of individuals and families. Her motto is “Leave the Hard Work to Us”, and that is her ultimate goal when meeting with each of her clients. Her practice allows her the freedom to get to know each of her clients individually, and devote the necessary time and resources to easing her clients’ pains. Lauren is a passionate advocate for her clients, and understands that it is of the utmost importance to listen to her clients’ stories, understand their needs, and collaborate with them to develop a plan that will address their concerns as swiftly as possible.

Lauren is a New Jersey native, who had dreamed of living in New Orleans for her entire life. In 2005, that became a reality. She earned her bachelor’s degree from the College of the Holy Cross, in Worcester, MA and her Juris Doctor and her civil law certificate from Tulane University Law School in 2008. Now, Lauren serves as a consultant for Tulane University, as the Title IX Hearing Board and Appellate Board Chair, presiding over Title IX cases filed through the office of Student Affairs.



  • Lauren’s background before law school, including her upbringing in New Jersey and her decision to attend Tulane law school
  • The usefulness of her unconventional background in law and how it has helped her adapt to courtroom situations spontaneously
  • The extensive work she did to assist evacuees from
  • Louisiana post-Katrina and how it significantly impacted her personal approach to law
  • The value of empathy and understanding clients’ stories
  • How lawyers play a critical role in helping clients tell their stories in a meaningful and impactful way
  • The societal stereotypes women face when expressing emotion, especially in a professional setting
  • The successful result of the mediation and how the mediator’s effort to get the best possible result for the client
  • Lauren’s strategy of embodying her client’s perspective and how she uses empathy to represent her clients more effectively
  • The need for attorneys to keep learning, growing, and trying new techniques to represent their clients better, challenging the rinse-and-repeat formula followed by many

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